String concatenation performance boosting - is this too much ado about nothing? Concatenating strings is a common operation in programming, but did you know that there are different methods you can use to do it? In this post, we will explore four pop...
.NET or not .NET - ForEach
Published.NET or not .NET this is the question, we will ask in this post Lets find out if the .NET .ForEach() method is significantly faster than their equivalent in native PowerShell The most of us are interested in making the code faster, with that in mind ...
Padding and Parameters
PublishedToday I would like to show you special interest topic: Padding and Parameters This post won't cover all off the aspects of parameters in PowerShell or neither everything you can do with the padding of a string. Sometime ago I created a little loggin...
3 ways to sort a list unique
PublishedToday I would like to show you a performance table comparing different ways to sort a list/array unique. Sometimes it is necessary to sort a list or an array unique to get rid of duplicates this can be a time consuming task In this post we will have...
Today I would like to show you a performance table comparing different ways to write to the registry. Writing to the registry is more or less a standard task while working as an administrator or software packaging person. This is how most of the peo...